Boogie Bus Booking Terms And Conditions
We aim to provide the highest standard of service and reliability to
our customers;
We therefore expect a reasonable and civilised standard of behaviour from
our passengers. You may be asked to sign a hard copy document of our terms
and conditions of hire prior to your booking.
1. The Hirer will be held liable for any damage/loss to
our limousines caused by or incited by the conduct of individual passengers
who are party to the hire.
2. Big Slo Limousine Company Limited, its drivers or agents
reserve the right to terminate the hire at any point without refund should
these terms and conditions be broken.
3. It is illegal to smoke in our limousines. In addition
food cannot be consumed in the limousine, unless by prior arrangement, should
you return to the limousine with food you will not be able to eat it in
the vehicle and a waiting charge of £50 per hour or part thereof will
be made where appropriate.
4. In the event of the fouling of our limousines (including
smoking) there is a standard £50 penalty to cover clean up costs.
5. The Law requires that all alcoholic drinks are removed
from the cabin of the vehicle within a 1 mile radius of Stage One Events
(Sporting events, concerts etc.).
6. Big Slo Limousine Company Limited, its drivers or agents
accept no liability for passengers personal belongings left in the limousine.
7. Deposits paid to Big Slo Limousine Company Limited are
non-refundable. Cancellations must be made in writing and any cancellation
within 7 days of the booking date will incur the full cost of the hire.
8. All subsequent alterations to this booking form must
be notified to the company in writing as soon as possible to avoid any misunderstanding.
9. In the unlikely event of a breakdown Big Slo Limousine
Company Limited will provide alternative transport, which may not be a limousine,
to complete any part of an outward or return journey.
10. Included in the contract price, as standard, the limousine
will pick up from two different points and will drop off at two different
points, any additional drop offs will be charged accordingly, and in any
event must be notified and agreed at the time of booking.
11. A maximum of 15 minutes waiting time is allowed on
return journeys, after which the limousine may be withdrawn from hire without
12. Where appropriate waiting time is charged at £50
per hour or part thereof.
13. Big Slo Limousine Company Limited, its drivers or agents
accept no liability for late arrival due to breakdowns, road works and/or
road closures that are beyond any reasonable prior knowledge.
14. Big Slo Limousine Company Limited, its drivers or agents
accept no liability for late arrival due to adverse weather conditions.
15. Big Slo Limousine Company Limited reserve the right
to substitute limousines, without prior notice, as a result of unforeseen
20. If you are unhappy with any aspect of our service please
inform us by telephoning during office hours on the next working day.
For a printed copy of these terms and conditions please write to: Big Slo Limo Co Ltd, Halfway Service Station, Bolton Road, Radcliffe, Manchester, M26 4FP.